
主讲题目: MSc in Mechanical Engineering and research training in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Aintzane Conde Fernandez 博士







主讲人简介Aintzane Conde Fernandez博士,本科获得应用数学和工学学士学位,并在西班牙巴斯克大学获得硕士和博士学位,读博士期间获得Euskampus Grant奖,主要从事航空合金的电火花沉积加工(EDM)以及线切割加工(wire-ED)研究,同时对人工智能在机加工行业的应用进行了深入研究。Aintzane博士注重与制造企业的合作,同ONA Company公司在EDM方面进行过合作,在Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing等国际期刊发表过学术论文5篇,并在东京等举办的机加工国际会议上作过主题报告。

AbstractMachine-tool sector has been historically very important in Spain, which is the third biggest producer of machine-tools in the European Union. As an example, during 2016, Spain bills 941 million euros. Additionally, more than 85% of these benefits have been produced in the Basque Country, with more than 100 companies and 7000 jobs. Hence, Basque Industry needs highly qualified workers with knowledge in machine-tool technologies. For that reason Mechanical Engineering and, more specifically, manufacturing and machine-tool sector has been very important in the Basque Country. The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), more specifically the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao (EIB), has offered for years the MSc in Mechanical Engineering, adapting it to the new processes and technologies. In the same line, this master provides the opportunity to start a PhD program, which could complete the knowledge of our students.

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