
 主讲题目:Development of Safer Vehicles through Combination of Experimental and CAE Technologies
主讲人:King hay Yang 教授
时  间:2017年10月23日(周1)上午9:30
地  点:河西校区主楼C区报告厅
主讲人简介:King hay Yang博士,曾任湖南大学长江学者讲座教授,现任美国韦恩州立大学工学院生物工程系教授,生物医学工程中心主任,韦恩州立大学的生物医学工程中心从1939年开始持续进行损伤生物力学的研究,1989年美国国会专门发表了一个国会记录(135卷54期)感谢韦恩州立大学的生物医学工程中心在损伤生物力学方面的卓越研究并祝贺其50周年年庆。King hay Yang是美国医学与生物工程院(AIMBE)院士,国际汽车工程学会会士(SAE international fellow),Stapp Car Crash Conference顾问委员会的成员和国际碰撞生物力学研究会(IRCOBI)的成员。King hay Yang教授主要从事汽车碰撞安全及损伤生物力学研究,带领的课题组对人体从头到脚进行了相关实验并开发了很多计算机模型用于模拟人体各部位的碰撞响应。例如,该课题组开发的头部模型目前在美国国立史密森尼博物馆的计算中心进行显示,美国国立史密森尼博物院是由19个博物馆,9个研究中心和国家动物园组成的世界上最大的复合式博物院和学术团体。 King hay Yang教授在各种国际期刊发表了200多篇论文,多次组织国际会议并作大会特邀报告,并任多种学术刊物编委,曾于2002、 2007和 2008年获得John P. Stapp最佳论文奖。与他人合作出版著作多部,并于2017年在Elesvier出版社出版了独著《Basic Finite Element Method as Applied to Injury Biomechanics》。
Abstract:Until recently, the paradigm used for advancing automotive safety is primarily based on anthropomorphic test devices, also known as crash dummies.  Results from injury biomechanics research are adopted to design these dummies, which in turn are used to design safer vehicles.  Many passive safety countermeasures (such as the collapsible steering wheel, padded instrument panel, head restraint, and laminated glass) have been implemented into modern vehicles and have been credited to have saved numerous lives.  With the ever increasing computational power, a new paradigm based on computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools in addition to crash testing have been applied in the automotive industry to lower product development costs and shortened design cycle.  Many design iterations can be evaluated on computer before a prototype is made for physical testing.  In this era, both numerical dummy and human models are used to ensure that vehicle safety is not just for crash dummies, but also for human occupants and vulnerable road users.  This report will begin with brief reviews of the rationales for the development of several passive safety systems and end with using CAE tools in the optimization of multiple safety systems.  Additionally, issues related to a lack of biofidelity in existing crash dummies will be discussed。
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